23 November 2022
Hands with water
1.1 Billion People
lack access to water and 2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least one month a year (worldwildlife.org).
In The Last 50 Years,
the human population has more than doubled. Today, 41% of the world’s population lives in river basins that are under water stress (worldwildlife.org).
Nearly 1.8 Billion People
in seventeen countries, or a quarter of the world’s population, appear to be veering towards a water crisis (bloomberg.com).
Almost 20% Diseases
caused in India are water borne. Estimates suggest at least 20 million people die each year due to the water borne diseases (bwsmartcities.businessworld.in).
Women And Girls
spend an estimated 200 million hours hauling water every day. The average woman in rural Africa walks 6 kilometers every day to haul 20 liters of water (worldvision.org).
Every Day, More Than 800 Children
under age 5 die from diarrhea attributed to poor water and sanitation (worldvision.org).
Pollution Of Water
is correlated with population density and economic growth. At present 12% of the world population drinks water from unimproved and unsafe sources. By 2050, some pollutants will increase by 180% or more (nature.com).
By 2025
An Estimated 1.8 Billion People
will be living in areas plagued by water scarcity (National Geographic).
1 Billion More People
will require food, and global agriculture will require 1 trillion cubic meters of water per year to meet the demand.
30 Nations
will be water scarce (up from 20 in 1990).
By 2030
Water Demand In India
will reach 1.5 trillion cubic meters, more than double today’s demand (World Bank).
40% Of India’s Population
will not have access to basic drinking water. The water which is currently available is not suitable for daily needs (bwsmartcities.businessworld.in).
80% Of The Population
in Brazil, Russia, India and China will be under medium to severe water stress, up from 63% now (OECD).
Humanity’s Annual Global Requirements
will exceed current sustainable water supplies by 40%
The Global Middle Class
will jump from 1.8 to 4.9 billion, resulting in an increase in freshwater consumption.
The World Will Only Have 60%
of the water it needs if current usage trends don’t change.
Almost Half The World
will live under conditions of high water stress.
By 2050
Likelihood Of Persistent
severe drought in south-western USA calculated to be 85% (livescience.com).
Forest Degradation
by up to 65% causing changes in the ecosystems will impact on drinking water availability and quality (nature.com).
Nearly 4 Billion People
will be living in areas of persistent water scarcity - 40% of global total (globalwaterforum.org).
5.7 Billion People Worldwide
will be living in potential water-scarce areas at least 1 month per year (nature.com).