Posts filtered by tag: Drought clear filter
Controlled-Environment Agriculture
16 August 2023
As the demand for food production increases throughout the world, the field of agriculture technology must seek new and innovative ways to enhance food security.
NGOs and charities bringing drinking water to the world
7 December 2022
Charity & non-governmental organizations have been working in drought-plagued areas of the third world to address the shortage of safe & sustainable drinking water.
Charities Drinking Water Drought NGOs Sustainability Water Scarcity
Sacramento and San Francisco Break Rain-Free Records
12 October 2022
Headlines earlier this year announced that Sacramento, California had its first rain-free February in history & San Francisco had its first dry February in 156 yrs.
Watergen provides water from air to a school in Costa Rica, May 2019
14 September 2022
Watergen installed GEN–M in the International Christian School in San Miguel de Santo Domingo, Costa Rica, providing children with fresh drinking water from air.